Canada Music Week Recital 2017
Students are invited to compose their own compositions for this recital or play works from Canadian composers. Deadline for recital entires is November 10 to Maureen Hollins
There will two two recitals, 5:30 and 7:30.
Here are the programs:
Canada Music Week 5:30 RecitalCanada Music Week 7:30 Recital
Composition Book:
We would like to make a book of all the pieces composed by the students.
If you have students who have composed a piece for this recital be sure to email by October 22 to Kevin Thompson
If your student has a hand written piece and would like it noted on a computer, email by October 1 to Rob Hollins
Hand written scores are also OK. Please include with each composition, student name, title of piece and age of composer. As well as a short biography of the student, only a few lines is OK.
Here is the book!
Composition Book 2017
Report by Maureen Hollins
Canadian Composers + Cake = CELEBRATION
On November 25th, 2017 the South Fraser Branch celebrated Canadian musicians and their creative work. Two recitals featured over 60 piano and flute performances from Primary through Diploma levels. Katya Pine attended as “Composer-in-Residence” for the evening’s festivities. The program contained a wide range of composers, marking several generations. They included a piano composition of Calixa Lavallée (of O Canada fame), a flute sonata by R. Murray Schafer, current publications by Katya Pine and several “first” compositions from our students. The audience was most receptive and enthusiastically appreciated each musical offering. Katya encouraged all the student composers to follow their musical instincts, to keep composing, and to explore the many possibilities available in different genres. She challenged them to consider unusual instrumental combinations and to remember that a start in classical music studies may transform to expertise in music technology. The student composers were:
Then we all ate cake!!